
Carbon Black

Lamp Black, Rub­ber Black, Pig­ment Black, Con­duc­ti­ve Car­bon Black, Indus­tri­al Car­bon Black, Tech­ni­cal Car­bon are some of the names that can be grou­ped under Car­bon Black. Car­bon black is one of the most important raw mate­ri­als in industry.

Car­bon black (from ahd. ruos, dark, dir­ty-colou­red) is a black, 80 - 99.5 % car­bon pow­de­red high-tech solid pro­du­ced by incom­ple­te com­bus­ti­on of pyro­ly­sis of hydro­car­bons in lar­ge quantities.

Inter­na­tio­nal­ly, the clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of stan­dard car­bon blacks is accor­ding to the US-Ame­ri­can ASTM stan­dard. In the area of the CIS sta­tes, the devia­ting GOST stan­dard is also common.

Assortment and delivery

Carbon Black

The pro­duct ran­ge com­pri­ses the fol­lo­wing types of car­bon black, which can be divi­ded into two categories.

1. The first covers the spec­trum of clas­sic rub­ber blacks, the so-cal­led N-types.





2. The second includes the port­fo­lio of spe­cial blacks. The­se so-cal­led P-types are nee­ded for appli­ca­ti­ons with spe­cial tech­ni­cal requirements.



Details and data sheets are available on request.

Delivery and packaging forms

  • Paper or poly­ethy­le­ne bags in 15–25 kg
  • Big bags 450–900 kg